Today has
been a really pretty fantastic day. I had the opportunity to have 2 great conversations
with friends—one old, one new.
The first
was with a friend with whom I used to work and thankfully have kept in touch
with though I have switched jobs twice since we met. We had lunch today and I
think maybe the last time I saw her was almost 2 years ago! A lot has changed
since then. When she last saw Olivia, she was just learning to crawl and pull
up. Now, my friend has her own daughter! I get to keep up with her on Facebook
and I’ve loved getting to share in her journey as a new mom. It’s been fun to
see the wonderful girl she is raising.
We had so
much wonderful conversation today about work and life and parenthood. We were
talking about some of the insanity that is motherhood. We have daughters who
are very different. My friend’s daughter has been sleeping peacefully through
the night since she was like 3 weeks old and she is a pretty easy going kid so
far. I don’t mean to diminish any struggles they might have. I’m sure their sweet
girl gives them a run for their money at times! And though she sleeps well,
their daughter has had a few food issues. Now, she’s only 8 months old so this
will likely clear up but I just thought, “Wow, I don’t know what I would have
done if Lady Loco had had food issues!” And my friend thought, “Wow, I don’t
know what I would have done if my daughter had sleep issues!”
We just
laughed at how you always think you know what you can and can’t handle in
parenthood and how really you end up handling it no matter what. Because, as my
friend put it, God gives you the kid you can handle. So true.
The other
conversation was with a brand new friend as of tonight. This new friend is the
new husband of a very near and dear friend. This was my first time to meet him
and I am so excited I got to! He’s a great fit for her and I’m happy to have
him on my list of friends now too!
Tonight, as
Olivia was running around us being completely adorable, he said that his wife
had told him that we didn’t baby talk Olivia and he just really liked that. We
talked about how kids are people too and how they should be treated like the
grown-ups we want them to eventually become (with some limitations of course,
but all the same).
His own
daughter is in a wheelchair due to cerebral palsy and he said one of the most
ridiculous things that people do is that they walk up to her and baby talk her
or speak really slowly like she’s hard of hearing—even though she’s 19! He
shared with me that it’s taken him and her a while to find an appropriate
response for this but they have found a way to be comfortable in those
situation. He also told me that he really loves and appreciates his daughter
for all that she is—wheelchair included.
It struck me
tonight that this is one of the key elements to finding joy in Parenthood: love
your kid NO MATTER who they are.
Some kids
are going to have sleep issues and some are not. Some will be super geniuses
and some will struggle or simply be ‘average.’ Some will be physically strong
and some will be physically challenged. The point is, as my friend at lunch put
it, God gives us the kid we can handle.
And I’ll
stop to admit that I have no idea what it’s like to have a special needs child
or a child with a handicap. But I hope I’ll have the peace and gratitude for
the life of my child like my new friend this evening does for his child who
lives every day in a wheelchair. I hope
I continue to have the peace and gratitude for my child with all of her current
It’s no use
comparing your kid to others—you get what you see. Kids are the most incredible
kind of person because they are exactly as they appear. They aren’t like us
adults with all of our layers and our baggage and our issues. They are just
themselves at all times.
I’m confident
enough to say that my sweet Boss Lady has some traits that some folks may think
they couldn’t live with. But while she and we may not be perfect, our little
family is perfect for each other.
SO glad i got to see you and catch up! give your sweet olivia a hug from me! hopefully we can do it again soon :-)