It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
That's how the story of this year's Milligan Thanksgiving begins. The best of times because we got to celebrate The Boss Lady's first Thanksgiving and we got to spend the day surrounded by family. The worst of times because, as usual, I forgot how chaotic and difficult hosting Thanksgiving dinner would be with a new little person in the house!
As usual, we hosted Thanksgiving this year and we got up bright and early Thanksgiving morning to do the Turkey Trot in Ft. Worth. And, as usual, I took several shortcuts to get to the finish line early! Afterward, we headed back to the Milligan casa for mimosas and breakfast casserole and the turkey frying began! So far, so good.
Well, either we forgot to ask The Boss Lady if our plans worked for her or she just didn't understand that her role was to play sweetly on her playmat as we got everything ready for our 1 o'clock lunch. Either way, the day started to get challenging pretty much immediately after we got home from the Turkey Trot. She did pretty good for a while but my sister and I spent most of our prep time juggling her. Needless to say, we were running more than a little late getting things ready.
And then, just as the turkey came out of the fryer, my sweet angel erupted into Nuclear Melt Down Mode.
So there I sat, alone in her room, being screeched at for well over an hour. Nothing would calm her down. She had had enough of our chaos and she was letting me know all about it. I rocked, nursed, sang softly, and swaddled and still the Devil Scream went on. My poor baby was so overwhelmed and just did not know how to find her happy place again.
Oh, and did I mention I hadn't yet showered? Oh, and did I mention that all of our guests had arrived?
I finally got her calmed down and rushed to the shower as Mike began carving the turkey. I went into Warp Speed Mode and spent the time worrying about all of the other things that needed to get done. The stuffing needed to be warmed, cranberry sauce needed to be put out, water glasses needed to be filled, and, well, you get the picture.
When I emerged, to my amazement, all of the preparations had been completed! My family had worked to get everything ready!! The cranberry sauce was out, the turkey was carved, all of our dishes were out and ready to be served.
And that's when I took a deep breath and remembered how very blessed I am. My family is a truly amazing group of people and I needed to have that moment to be reminded that they are here to step in and help out when I need it. That they are here to love me and be a part of my life, not to just show up as "guests" at dinner. They pitch in every year and this is the first year that I TRULY realized just how much they do and how much I need them in my life. I have so very much to be thankful for and I'd like to recognize everyone who was here this Thanksgiving to make it so amazing.
Thank you...
to God who gave me this amazing and crazy life. Who gave me family and friends with whom I am close enough that they can come to my house on Thanksgiving day, see me un-showered and patiently wait while I get showered as they finish the prep for our lunch. To God who gave us all His ONLY child so that we might have everlasting life with Him. Who through that sacrifice allows us to enjoy this life to its fullest. Without His grace, I wouldn't have even been here, amidst all of this chaos, this Thanksgiving Day.
to my incredible husband who deals with all of my craziness in the days before Thanksgiving as I clean the house (and make him help!) and get all of the preparations ready. To the man who sits in the cold every year to fry our turkey and has NEVER complained about it. Who at the end of the day, tells me how great the mac n' cheese was even though it really wasn't.
to my Sweet Pea for teaching me that the best laid plans can be immediately deposited in the trash. My sweet Oli reminds me that life is not about having every single thing in order but about riding the wave and enjoying every precious moment. Thank you, my sweet girl, for being a part of our craziness and for being such a strong little person. I am so VERY happy you are here.
to my sister, Michelle, without whom Thanksgiving, and many other events at this house, would never take place. We jokingly refer to her as my "staff" and she really ought to get paid for all of the work she does. She and my brother-in-law stay the night before Thanksgiving every year and they help tremendously. She is a trooper putting up with me giving orders and I honestly don't know how I would do this without her. I am blessed to call her my sister and best friend.
to my brother-in-law Michael, who sits in the cold with Mike to fry our turkey. I get so much joy out of seeing the two of them sitting in the yard, cold beer in hand, umbrella over the turkey fryer to keep the rain/sleet out, frying the turkey and talking about whatever guys talk about. He has a huge heart and I am so happy he is a part of my family.
to my mom, Jannette, who got here and got to work immediately when she saw that so much still needed to be done. She brought such a silly and happy presence and I so appreciate her bright attitude when so much chaos is going on! She is a wonderful grandmother to my sweet Oli.
to Aunt Becky and Hannah for driving all the way to The Prairie to join us this year! Thank you so much for entertaining Olivia as Michelle, my mom, and I got everything ready and thank you for embracing the circus that is our life. We loved having you here and hope we get to do it again someday.
to my mother-in-law, Margaret, for making the trip from Albuquerque to be here for Olivia's first Turkey Day, for "baby sitting" her as Mike and I put out Christmas decor this weekend, and for sitting in the backseat with my angel as she Devil Screamed during a 30 minute car ride. For 30 minutes, she tirelessly attempted to settle Oli down with silly faces and sounds. It didn't have much effect on Sweet Pea but it provided some comic relief for Mike and me!
to my sister-in-law, Emily, who rolls up her sleeves every time she is here and knocks out the dishes like a champ! If it were not for her, I wouldn't be able to write this because I'd still be up to my elbows in dishwater. She also left at the beginning of the Cowboys game to drive Mike's grandma back home. She is a total sweetheart and I'm so happy to be able to call her a friend.
to my brother-in-law, Matt, who always shows up with a smile on his face and a happy spirit. He is such a bright spot in our lives. And he is a great uncle to Olivia and had a great time encouraging her to cheer on the Cowboys during the game--even though Olivia is a born Saints fan. I know Mike appreciates him trying to convert her!
to Nana, Mike's paternal grandmother, for being such a classy and amazing lady. She is a kind, strong woman and we admire her so much. Making the trip to our house is difficult for her but she did it with a smile on her face. We are so happy we got to spend this holiday with her.
to all of our family and friends who couldn't be here with us that day but who took the time out of their days to wish us a happy FIRST Thanksgiving with Olivia. It means so much that you all remembered us at such a special time in our lives. We are blessed to have all of you in our lives.
So, as it turns out, it was the BEST of times...
And that's how the story of this year's Milligan Thanksgiving ends.
Olivia's first Turkey Trot |
My little turkey! |
My brother-in-law, Michael. This is how you'll usually find the guys after the eating is done! |
My brother-in-law, Matt |
My sweet hubby. Yes, he's sleeping sitting up! |
The Boss Lady is following in her uncles' and daddy's footsteps! |