Friday, November 19, 2010

Back to "Normal?"

Ever wonder what your life theme song would be if you had one? Last weekend, mine was definitely the circus theme! It seemed that everything that could go wrong did go wrong!

Friday started out with me taking Mike's car to have the oil change and get inspected. I sat in the Jiffy Lube with a very active and fussy 2 & 1/2 month old trying to eat my Chick-fil-a nuggets (which she kicked on the floor) only to be told that the car did not pass inspection and needed a new thing-a-ma-jig to get it up to code. Mike and I made plans to drop his car off at the mechanic's that night.

As we drove his car to the shop, mine started overheating and we had to turn around and go home. We made plans to take my car in to the shop the next morning.

After spilling cat litter all over the dining room floor, breaking 2 wine glasses, and setting off the smoke detector twice thereby waking up The Boss Lady, we FINALLY settled down on the patio by the firepit and tried to unwind with a little help from our good friends Red and White Wine. That's the same night Oli decided not to sleep through the night after a week of having done so. Ever had to get up at 3 a.m. after a few glasses of wine (NO JUDGING!!!) to take care of a small baby?? Good times.

The next morning, we tried to drive my car to the shop and it broke down on the side of the road.

That night we had a date-night planned--dinner and a movie. We got to the restaurant only to discover that we left our movie tickets at home. We went home after dinner and were sound asleep by 10!

On Sunday, our garbage disposal broke. Neat.

We've never looked forward to a Monday so much in our lives!

And amidst all of the chaos, we still had to be parents and take care of our Angel Baby. I had no idea how much more chaotic things can be when you add in taking care of a child!

As I was getting ready for church Sunday morning, I was rocking Olivia with my foot as I blow dried my hair with one hand and brushed my teeth with the other. When Olivia would get settled down, I would run to the laundry room trying to get a few loads done. Then, I'd have to run back to her before she errupted into Nuclear Melt Down Mode. Don't worry, Mike was there helping and doing his own morning chores too!

That's when the thought hit me: "Jeez, I'll be glad when my life gets back to normal."

Normal?? What the heck is that?? This just in for Stephanie:


Okay, so I know that not every weekend will involve everything in my house breaking. But, my life is a juggling act now. Things are going to happen and I don't get to take a break from The Boss Lady's needs to get things back in order. While she seemed to handle the weekend's insanity pretty well, it was so much harder to get through all of those things with her than it was when it was just Mike and me.

When my brother-in-law made the comment on Sunday that he had been bored that weekend, Mike and I just looked at him with envy in our eyes. Ahhhhhhh, Boredom!! How we miss that feeling!!!!

Unfortunately, Boredom doesn't exist in Crazy Town. And you know what? That's okay. Because for all of the bad chaos, there's a ton of good chaos too. Like getting to see our sweet baby smile and roll over and all of the other amazing milestones. Like getting to put her to bed together and see her sweet face in the mornings. Like getting to have each other to laugh with and drink wine with and hug each other when everything just seems out of control.

The good news here is that the cat litter got vacuumed up, the wine glasses got swept up, the garbage disposal got fixed, and both cars are running very well. And we made it through the chaos together.

The circus theme music might just be following me around for a while after all. This weekend, if we end up on the patio by the firepit with a glass (or 3!) of wine, we'll toast to Crazy Town, our new Normal!

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