Monday, November 22, 2010


During the last tri-mester of my pregnancy, I remember thinking and saying how much I was looking forward to getting my body back. I longed to slip on a pair of my favorite jeans and wear my pre-pregnancy wardrobe again.

For nearly 3 months I have waited for my pre-pregnant body to return but it seems that it is nowhere to be found. It seems that the pregnancy books neglected to mention that just because I wasn't pregnant anymore, doesn't mean that I'll get my body back right away!

On Saturday afternoon, Mike and I had plans to meet up with some people and I so badly wanted to wear something normal for a change. I've been making great use of my maternity pants but I'd love to be back in regular jeans. The truth is, maternity pants just don't look as cute without the big pregnant belly to go with them. I tried on every pair of pants I owned and several different shirts.

The problem is, I can barely get my regular jeans up over my hips! And my old shirts make me look like a Hooters girl gone wrong. These child-birthing hips and milk-filled breasts just aren't loving being squeezed into the Old Stephanie's wardrobe. 

And to top it all off, my hair has started falling out! I hear that's common but, seriously?!?! I can just hear the conversations now: "You know, Olivia's mom, that fat, bald lady." To think I always envisioned myself as being the "hot mom" someday!

During the first few weeks and months of being pregnant, I wanted a belly to show off! I longed to see proof that I was carrying a little miracle. I loved when my belly finally stuck out enough that I could fill out a pair of maternity jeans!

Now, I just wish my body would get the message that my sweet angel has vacated the womb and everyone can go back to where they were.

But, alas, it does not seem that will be happening any time soon. I guess I just have to be okay with that for now. The fact is, I'm not the Old Stephanie any more. And in more ways than one.

A lot about me has changed and my body is just one of the most visible things. Hopefully, some day I'll be Olivia's hot mom, but for now, my body is adjusting to motherhood. Right now, one of my body's major functions is to provide food for my child so I guess I'll give myself a little grace period. I'm trying to think of my new body as Curve-a-licious instead of just Chubby!

I am definitely working towards reclaiming my pre-pregnancy size but I'm taking baby steps. Saturday evening, I went to Chick-fil-a, and I am proud to report that I did NOT order a shake to go with my sandwich and nuggets! Yep, I said sandwich AND nuggets. I'm technically still eating for two!! Baby steps, people.

In the world of parenthood, time moves fast so I have no doubt that, sooner than I realize, I'll be able to retire these maternity pants. In the meantime, I'll enjoy having a little stretch in my pants. A friend recently reminded me on Facebook of the Friends episode where Joey wears Phoebe's maternity pants and calls them his "Thanksgiving pants!" I'm going to stretch that and call them my "Holiday Pants." Makes 'em sound fancier. So, I'm hanging on to them for now. After all, the holidays ARE just right around the corner!

The view of my closet floor after trying on several pre-pregnancy outfits!


  1. 11 months later here...jeans, no problem. Shirts. Huge problem. No one ever warned me that shirts would never be the same -- all of the pre-preg ones seems way too short, and, well, that's if and only if I can get them over the boobs. Oh and a tip on jeans -- Kohl's carries Lee Comfort fit jeans. They're regular jeans but they have an elastic waist. For $20 you can feel like you're in real clothes, definitely good for a transition time.

  2. Over the summer, I definitely had some 'transition' clothes. I've finally lost all the pregnancy weight (7.5 months later), but everything does NOT fit like it did before. I can get pants on, but they're weird now. And yes, my shirts fit, but they feel terribly short. My point: you're not the only one and it does get better!

  3. Even when you've lost all the weight your body still won't be the same. You have to keep that positive attitude you have, because it's really shocking what pregnancy and nursing does to you in the short and long term. After Conner I had to go up a bra size (band and cup), after Lilly I dropped 2 cup sizes....after Lilly was born I lost all my pregnancy weight plus 15 pounds, and still NONE of my jeans fit right...and I still have this funky flabby belly 20 months later. Most of the time it doesn't bug me, but when it does, I remember that this body carried and nursed 2 kids for a total of over 2 years!
