Sunday, December 19, 2010

Olivia plays peek-a-boo...sort of

Okay, so I feel like I've been on a big video kick lately but we are at that stage where Oli is doing so many cool, new things and I want to capture all of them!

AND, I wanted to post this because for all of the crazy, chaotic, not-so-fun times in parenthood, there are many more funny moments.

If you are watching this and you DON'T have kids, you might be thinking "Oh, that poor baby! They just stood there and laughed at her instead of helping." But, trust me, if you decide to embark on this journey, you, too, will someday stand and laugh at your child. It's kind of like payback for all of the times they make you feel like beating your head on a wall. Sometimes, God just gives us a moment to laugh.

For the record, we did NOT put this swaddle on her! Mike had put her in her crib so we could get ready for the day. When we went to get her, this is how we found her. She just couldn't figure out how to get the swaddle off. This kid is a trip!

The other sweet baby in the video is Tessa, the daughter of our friends Randi & Tim. You can tell she's a little confused as to how our silly baby managed to do this!

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