Monday, February 18, 2013

SUCK IT, Monday!

You know how the other day I was writing about how Facebook is so upsetting because everybody’s life just looks so damn perfect on there (see: Facebook is Porn)?? Well, today that was MY life! AND it was a Monday to top it all off! And if my phone wasn’t such a piece of poop and I could have posted perfect pictures of my perfect day all day, I totally would have! HA!

I’ll be honest, when I found out Olivia’s school was closed today, I wasn’t even sure what that was all about. Well, it turns out it’s President’s Day and in the corporate world most folks would say “What day?” Unless they have kids in school because a lot of schools closed for this supposed “holiday.” I mean, really, if Hallmark doesn’t have a card for it, is it *really* a holiday? But major thanks to the school district for recognizing this day (even though Oli doesn’t go to public school yet, her school follows the local school district). And major thanks to my bosses for letting me off today to spend the day with The Boss Lady. Because it was AWESOME!

I woke up this morning at my usual 5 a.m. and started the day off right with a butt whippin’ courtesy of spin/strength training class. When I got home, I sat on the couch, drinking coffee, folding laundry, and catching up on my latest show obsession, The Walking Dead. It was a wonderful morning.

When Olivia woke up, we took our time getting ready and headed to the zoo to take advantage of the incredible weather we had today (thanks to Mother Nature for February in the south!). We met up with my sister, Megan, and her two boys and really ALL of the kids were great. They were having fun together and running and playing and despite some pretty normal corrective action, Meg and I didn’t have to threaten them with beat downs for poor behavior every 30 seconds. Really, they were GREAT!

Oli and I stayed a little longer, taking extra time to see the penguins where my girl matter-of-factly informed me of the penguins’ names, courtesy of Happy Feet 2. We rode the carousel on our way out and we left the parking lot with huge smiles on our faces.

When we got home, we played and watched movies and she even helped me make dinner. And there was like NO whining. I’m serious. The ONLY issue we had ALL day was after Mike got home and her exhaustion set in and she started assing out a little. But, really, it has all ended very well.

So, I’m sure you all know what this means: tomorrow I’ll be struck by lightning. It was real nice knowing all of you!

Oh, and did I mention that we happened to also find a sack of money and that rainbows started coming out of our a$$es? You know, cause that’s how perfect days go. 

Feeding the birds = SO FUN! Even though I got pooped on!

Love time with my Lady Loco!

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