Friday, April 15, 2011

An Ode to Nursing

Will you nurse your baby, dear?
Will you nurse or do you fear?

Do you fear those cries in the night,
The ones that make your breasts feel tight?

Do you fear the pain that comes
From nursing a little one all day long?

Do you fear tater tot nipples and shirts soaked with milk?
Do you fear milk stains on your new sheets made of silk?

Do you fear nursing in public or at the park?
Do you fear nursing alone in the dark?

Do you fear milk shooting out
Out of your nipple like a water spout?

How far will you go to nurse your little one
Will you nurse if it's not any fun?

Will you nurse day and night?
Will you nurse if it causes a fight?

Will you nurse near and far?
Will you nurse in a car (in a bar??)?

Do not be afraid I say to you ladies!!!
Do not be afraid to nurse your babies!

Do not be afraid to keep your baby fed
With the best food for their belly and brain in their head.

Do not be afraid of the cries at night.
They don't last forever and there is a light!

Do not fear the pain, for it fades fast
But the benefits of nursing will continue to last.

Worries of tater tot nipples will flee from your mind
As you nurse your sweet baby, to your heart they will bind.

The shirts they will wash, you'll replace silk sheets with cotton
All of your fears will soon be forgotten.

You'll find it's easy to nurse anywhere
You'll not even notice if people stop and stare (and you won't care!).

You'll nurse your baby near and far
You'll nurse them even if you are in a bar (Wine bar that is! True story.).

You'll know that you are giving your baby the very best
The best of you, and you can rest.

Rest knowing your little one is healthy and happy
And your feelings about nursing get kind of sappy.

As you think of your sweet baby, snuggled up and with a happy sigh,
You'll wave all of your nursing fears goodbye.