Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

On Sunday, we celebrated 8 months with our sweet girl AND her very first Easter! We had a pretty new dress for the occasion and we spent the afternoon at my cousin Trey's house. It was such a wonderful way to celebrate my 2nd favorite holiday (Thanksgiving is my first favorite. I think you can probably figure out why.). Trey and his wife Monica have a little girl who is 21 months old and she and Olivia had fun squawking at each other. We even got some cute pictures of them sharing a hug and kiss.

This past month with our sweet girl has been incredible. I think this month has probably been the most action packed in terms of her growth and development. On Tuesday she officially started crawling! For a few weeks leading up to that, she had been doing this crazy bear crawl maneuver to get where she wanted to be. Now, she just takes off. I'm still amazed that we have all of these baby toys but she is so drawn to all of the things she's NOT supposed to be playing with! I was hoping that we wouldn't have to do much baby proofing but it's looking like we'll be spending this week doing just that!

On Wednesday, Olivia pulled herself up into a standing position for the first time! She was in the bathtub and she gripped the edge of the tub and up she went! She's been doing it ever since on every piece of furniture she can reach. After she pulls herself up, she gets this great, goofy grin on her face like she's so proud of herself. Today, she tried to take a few steps (cruising) but then she'd fall on her butt and start clapping for herself. Needless to say, with all of the grinning and clapping, it's easy to see our kiddo does not have a self-confidence issue!

She's also so chatty right now and we are excited (and a little nervous!) to hear what she has to say when she learns to form those random syllables into words.

And teething: Yes, we are knee-deep in it right now. It's not *terrible* but it's not fun either. Mostly, I just feel so sad for her when she's hurting. She's been a champ about it though!

I love that we got to celebrate 8 months and Easter on the same day. As I mentioned, Easter is one of my very favorite holidays. It's not because of the chocolate peanut butter eggs...well, that's not the only reason anyway! I love this holiday because it is the commemoration/celebration of the VERY REASON we are able to call ourselves Christians.

It seems so strange to celebrate death, but on this day, that's exactly what we do. And we celebrate for good reason. Because by the death of Christ, we are able to celebrate an eternity in Heaven with our awesome, awesome God. When I think of how incredible just 8 months has been with Oli, I am overwhelmed at the prospect of an eternity of joy with God. It is something wonderful to look forward to.

I am blessed that my life here on earth is also extremely joyous. As I spent Easter with my amazing husband and child, I knew that my joy would not be possible but for Christ's ultimate sacrifice.

In the Catholic church, from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday, we do not sing or say Alleluia in our church services. We do this because Lent is supposed to be a more somber time. On Easter Sunday, we are able to say "Alleluia!" again. I love, love, love this about Easter services. I love being able to shout and sing from the top of my lungs, "ALLELUIA!!!" in celebration of Christ's rising from the dead! It is a liberating and joyous time. It reminds me of all I have to celebrate in this life and the one waiting for me when I die.

I am so thankful to God that I am able to celebrate this Easter season because of His ultimate sacrifice. I know that it is only through God that I have the gift of my family and the gift of eternity with Him. Each month with my sweet girl, I am reminded of how blessed Mike and I are to have this amazing, amazing life. Thanks be to God!

Happy FIRST Easter and 8 month birthday to my sweet girl!

She's on the move!

Oli's first trip to a wine bar!

Love this grin!

The Boss Lady's first Easter basket! Thank you, Aunt Michelle!

Our first Ranger's game

Happy 8 month birthday, Sweet Pea!

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