Monday, March 28, 2011

Resolution Update: Week 12

Weight: 150.5!!! When I saw the numbers on the scale this week I literally threw my arms up in the air and yelled "HOLLA!!!" So exciting to reach this 20+ pound milestone! Pic below!

Diet: I had to scale back on a few things this week because I am not able to work out right now. I cut some calories by cutting back on my snacks. I also didn't go pedal to the metal on my cheat day. Boo!!! That was my favorite day of the week! Ah well. When I'm able to get totally back into working out, I'll bring back the awesome cheat day!

Excercise: As mentioned, I'm not able to work out right now. My back is really, really bothering me. I have a doctor's appointment on Friday so I'm hoping for some answers then. Resting does seem to help but it's not 100%. After I saw my weight, and after I yelled in excitement, I also thought, "Hmmm...probably could have blown past 150 if I was working out..."

Thoughts/Reflections for the week: I'm working on not being too hard on myself right now. I'm nervous that next week I'll gain weight. I'm still watching my diet but I'm so bummed about this back thing because I was feeling so great about the progress I was making.

I'm really not used to being in this kind of pain and not being able to do what I want to do. It's very hard for me to admit that I can't do something. I'm excited to talk to the doctor on Friday and I'm going to keep praying for healing and hope that she has some solutions to help me out. Any prayers are very much appreciated!

And now for that 20+ pound pic!!

1 comment:

  1. HAWT Momma!!! You're lookin' great! And, it's so awesome to hear how you've come to love working out! Keep it up!
