Lately, Olivia is really into cell phones & remotes. I mean, she could have 800 of those super colorful baby toys surrounding her and she would still reach for the phone or remote. And if I try to take it away from her she throws a fit. So sometimes, I just give in and give them to her to chew on. Then I think, "Jeez, I hope those aren't shooting supersonic waves into her brain..."
How in the world does such a tiny person manage to fart like a grown man???
Lately, The Boss Lady has been pushing up and trying to get her legs under her so she can take off crawling. While this is very exciting, it's also a little scary and I have to admit that I have the urge to push her back down at times.
Olivia's refusal to fall asleep any other way except than while nursing is very sweet but also kind of exhausting. I love holding her and seeing her smushed up against me sleeping but then having to transfer her to her crib is tough and often she just wakes right back up. Oh well, I'm learning to just enjoy the moments I have with her that she wants to stay all cuddled up with me. So, maybe it takes me a week to get the laundry done. I'll have laundry the rest of my life. For now, I'll try to enjoy holding my sweet girl while she sleeps--while I'm thinking about all of the laundry that needs to be done, of course.
In the mornings, I get so excited to see Olivia. When she wakes up, she is so excited to see me and we sit on the couch together playing. Then, it's a mad dash to get ready for daycare & work. About 2 hours later, she's cranky, I'm running around like something is on fire, and saying things like "Okay, Olivia, please stop fussing. Mommy is hurrying!" Then I add "Thank you God for daycare," to my morning prayer.
In the evenings, we put Oli in her high chair with us at the table as we eat dinner. Mike and I talk about our days, make crazy faces at The Boss Lady and she usually sits there laughing. Those are the moments I am convinced my life is completely perfect.
When Olivia goes to bed with her stuffed monkey, I go in there and take it out of her crib once she's asleep. I'm convinced that everything causes SIDS. And I go check on her to make sure she's still breathing before I go to bed. Sometimes I make Mike do it and then I ask him like 100 times if he made sure she was still breathing. He usually says, "I did all of that, but you can go check for yourself if you'd like." Poor guy.
I'd love to wear a regular (a.k.a. non-nursing) bra. Somedays, I open my pre-baby bra drawer and just stare at all of the beautiful bras like they are gold bricks.
I'd like to know what's so flippin' traumatic to my daughter about having her boogers sucked out of her nose. Seriously, she acts like she's being attacked by a pack of mountain lions. She just has to get over it. I'm not okay with having my boob covered in snot while she nurses. I do have limits, people.
I think the face Olivia makes when she's pooping is really cute. The clean-up, not so much. Speaking of poop, what is in that stuff that makes it stain so badly that every stain remover I've tried hasn't even touched it???
One of Olivia's little "things" is to suck on my chin. It's pretty hilarious and I usually laugh so hard I can barely pull her off. Well, the other day, she really got ahold of me and gave me a hickey! That night I said, "Mike, did you see this hickey on my chin?" He said, "FROM ME?!?!?!?" Yeah, from you. Don't you remember that cool chin sucking thing we tried out last week? It was HOT.
Tonight I had plans to take a bubble bath and go to bed early. Tonight Olivia had plans to scream like a maniac when it was her bedtime. She's not called The Boss Lady for nothin'.
Okay, so does EVERYONE think their kid is the cutest and smartest baby on the planet? Or is my baby REALLY the cutest and smartest baby on the planet? Yeah, I think that's it. Oh, except for right now because she just turned into a Gremlin...again.
She's The Boss! |
Hilarious post :) I had to try and read that hickey part to Bob three times...he couldn't understand through my laughing.
ReplyDeleteOn nursing, I've been done for over a month and I'm still wearing nursing bras. My pre-baby collection comes in Bs and I'm still hanging out in a D or DD. Ugh!
And last OxyClean fixes every stain in my experience. The powder, not the liquid.
Yes Girl we all think our baby is the best! I agree try Oxi clean. It gets blueberries (Maddie's Fav) out!