Monday, March 21, 2011

Resolution Update: Week 11

Weight: 152.5! I was *so hoping* to make it to my 20 pound milestone but that just means that next week I'll get there AND post a new pic!

Diet: Great this week! My MIL was in town and baking all kinds of good stuff and I still held strong! And I totally loved getting to splurge on some of her amazing Irish soda bread, corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes on St. Patty's Day!

Exercise: Back in action even though I'm still having some back issues. It seemed that rest didn't really help so I'm just trying not to go too crazy with my workouts. I did start going back to the gym and I did my first spin class in quite a while! It felt AMAZING and Mike and I are going to start going together during the week now.

Thoughts/Reflections for the week: As I mentioned, my MIL was in town making all of this wonderful food. At the end of the week, she told me that Mike was going to make buttermilk pancakes on Saturday. "Pancakes?" I asked. "We don't eat pancakes around here." "Well, he said that he was going to use up the rest of that buttermilk and make pancakes on Saturday," she said. I explained that we probably wouldn't do that since that kind of eating really isn't in line with our diets and she expressed concern about the buttermilk "going to waste."

Mike and I talked about that a little on Sunday. This idea that food should never "go to waste" is something we both grew up with. I remember not being able to leave the table until my plate was completely cleared and Mike said he always feels like he has to finish every last bite of food. I'm here to confirm that. I have been with that man at a buffet, watching him stuff his face while complaining that he feels like he's going to pop.

Why do we treat food this way? Like every single last morsel has to be consumed? Maybe it's because we both come from budget conscious families and throwing food away is considered a sin. But so is gluttony, right? Our parents weren't trying to teach us bad habits but we decided this isn't really the idea we want Olivia to grow up with. If she still has food on her plate but she's full, we want her to know it's okay to walk away.

Don't get me wrong, it's not okay to be wasteful. But hopefully we'll be able to teach her how to make good choices about what and how much goes on her plate so that she isn't constantly throwing food away.

So, I'm going to apologize in advance to my awesome MIL for throwing out the leftover buttermilk and sour cream. At least we didn't let a crumb of that Irish soda bread go to waste!

Next week: A new 20 pound less pic of me!!


  1. I love reading of your progress, Steph! I'm curious as to how you incorporate Olivia into workouts that you and Mike do together. That is a big obstacle that I've not found a way to overcome. I either take her with me in the jogger, Bill watches her or I'm out pounding the pavement at 11 p.m. Hmmm...wouldn't trade time alone with baby for anything, but I'm just curious how others out there handle working, working out and baby...Thanks!

  2. For the workouts that we do together, we take her to the gym daycare. At first I felt guilty because she's in daycare during the day but she's only in daycare from 8:45-2:45 and then in the gym daycare for an hour so it's not so bad. And I figure that if it's helping me feel better then it'll benefit her too! Otherwise, I just do a workout video in the morning before she wakes up and Mike works out after she goes to bed at 9.
