Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Let's try this again...again...

Let’s put it out there: I suck at blogging. Yeah, so I might be a little funny and you might enjoy reading what I write but I am NOT consistent. 40 days of blogging for Lent? Nope. 11 days of random, little-known facts about myself? Only made it through 8 before I abandoned my poor blog completely. And then a few months ago I woke up and thought “I don’t want to be a mom anymore.” Nothing major had happened. I was just run down and worn out and ready to grab my bathing suit and beach towel and drive south until I hit the water. And it hit me – I have to start writing again to keep what is left of my sanity. So, I started writing this intro into blogging again. I started it ABOUT THREE MONTHS AGO.

The morning I had the thought of resigning my title as VP of Butt Wiping, I was out for my morning walk and thinking of how I could carve out time in my day to do this writing thing regularly and of all of the posts that are floating around that I want to get out. I imagined a cup of coffee on the patio, my laptop open, fingers flying over the keys as I blow you away with my wittiness and realistic perspective, laughing about the happenings of my insane life as a mom. Ahhhh, this is gonna be AWESOME. Yeah right. I honestly have no idea if I can keep this up again and I have no idea for how long. Maybe I’ll make it a week or 2 weeks or 3 or 4 months. No clue. After all, it’s taken me about 3 months just to write this.

And I’m back working full time and I have two kids now (yep, TWO), and there are nights I’m so tired that I contemplate not brushing my teeth. And several weeks ago I cried, literally cried, because I didn’t have time to poop. So, blogging? Yeah, I ain’t really got time for that.

Time has become such a precious commodity around here that I find I am selfish of every friggin’ second. Everything I do feels like I’m moving at warp speed so I can get to the next load of laundry/dishes/diaper changing/dance class/whatever. When I go to the grocery store or out to run errands, I feel like I’m on some episode of Super Market Sweep. I dash through the aisles, zoom past others who seem to have nothing better to do than contemplate soup choices, tap my foot impatiently at the deli counter, and hope like hell I make it home before one of my boobs starts tingling. Except there’s no $100,000 prize for my ninja-like abilities to make it through 2 grocery stores in just under 56 minutes and 37 seconds. Nope. I mean, sure, I get to spend the time I’m not at the store with my glorious children, which, you know, is the whole reason I move through my errands with warp speed in the first place. But occasionally…I’d take the hundred thousand. Just sayin’.   

I was actually so intimidated by writing again that when I logged into my blog, I did so with a little trepidation. I have not looked at it in 12 months. YIKES. I read a few entries and started feeling happy about sharing and a little sad that so much of the past 12 months I probably needed to share and didn’t.

I’m not even going to say I’ll try to be consistent. Trying is crap. You either do something or you don’t. So, I AM going to blog again. I just have no idea how often or how long I’ll be able to keep it up. Because, not only are we in a whole other Fun Zone with The Boss Lady being 4 now, as I mentioned above, we added to this circus, folks. Yep, we had another little person—The Dude (a.k.a. William Douglas, a.k.a. Big Willie, a.k.a. Billy Doug). He joined our troop August 16, 2014 (exactly, to the day, 39 years after his daddy) and he’s INCREDIBLE. If we're Facebook friends, you already know a little about him. If we're not, you’ll get to know him soon enough.

So, without further ado…all aboard the Crazy Train Express (again) and enjoy the ride!

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