Thursday, November 21, 2013

11 Confessions of a Really, Really, Real Mom: #4

There’s a new craze in the Facebook world where people are posting a certain number of random facts about themselves. And if you ‘like’ or comment on their post, they’ll give you a number, and you have to come up with that many random facts about yourself. I’m not much for the Facebook crazes but I actually think this one is kind of fun. I’m going to do it a little differently though. I received the number 11 from my good friend, Brandie, and I’m happy to share 11 things about myself. But I’m going to do it here on this trusty blog and share one a day for 11 days. And they’ll be random things about myself specifically relating to motherhood. Let’s call it 11 Confessions from a Really Really Real Mom. Here we go:

Number 4: I feel like a Mommy Rock Star about some of the goofiest crap. I’m a pretty analytical and logical person. Or, you know, some of the time anyway. And before I had a kid, I never could understand when people got excited about really mundane crap that their kid did. For instance, I’d hear a mom say (or see a post on Facebook) something like “Oh my goodness! My daughter, Blue Ivey Apple Kingston, just put her shoes on for the first time BY HERSELF!!!” And I would think to myself “Well whoo-dee-hoo, lady. Pretty much every human I know can put their shoes on by themselves.”

Lately though, I realize I feel this urge to tell the world (via Facebook of course, cause how else do we share mundane crap these days?) the truly simple things that my kid does. Logically, I know they are simple things but to me they seem just MONUMENTAL and I feel like everyone who is my “friend” on the internet should know about it.

Case in point: tonight we had fish for dinner. Normally, Olivia eats what we eat and we refuse to make a different meal for her. There are some exceptions though and, until tonight, fish was one of them. But tonight I decided that if she’s never forced to eat it or at least try it, she probably never will eat it.  So I put a few pieces on her plate and told her she could not have Cheetos, she could have fish. I also made a deal with her that if she absolutely hated it, she could spit it out. She took her first bite and told me through a mouth of fish that she hated it. I told her to finish chewing before she made her final decision. She did and then pronounced that she did not like it and she wanted chicken nuggets. I said “no” and braced for the storm. But no storm came. She ate her broccoli and some rice and then took another bite of fish—unprompted! The next words out of her mouth were “Mmmmmmm…tasty!” And she finished her plate.

And that very simple, boring dinner interaction, ladies and gentlemen, made me feel like a mother freaking ROCK STAR. I mean, I was mentally high fiving myself and thinking “Man, I have GOT to tell everyone about this! I can’t believe my daughter just ate fish and liked it! That was amazing! I mean, I know there’s breaking news all over the world right now but this, THIS moment is just too good to NOT share!” I started to get my phone to type up a little Facebook post about this truly groundbreaking news so all of my 276 dearest friends would know that my child had fish for dinner.

And then I realized how probably no one else in the whole world probably gives a rat’s behind that my daughter ate some friggin’ fish for dinner. But see, this is what mommyhood does to you. It makes all of these used-to-be insignificant moments, really freaking significant all of a sudden.

And even though I know that, I still kind of think that the fact that my kid ate fish and liked it tonight is so freaking cool. I won’t lie--part of the reason I wanted to write this particular blog post tonight is because I needed some venue to share this momentous occasion with everyone without being overly obvious about it. So now you know about this truly groundbreaking occasion and I already know that you are as impressed by The Boss Lady’s new like (it’s not quite love yet) of fish. You can die happy now, I’m sure.

See, it’s weird!!! Before I became a mom, I don’t think I ever thought of sharing something so simple. But I am constantly overwhelmed and compelled to share some of the simplest moments of my daughter’s life. I even tried to come up with some other examples for the purposes of this post to show you just how simple a thing can be and still impress me but I couldn't. And you want to know why? Because those things are THAT SIMPLE. So simple I cannot even remember them now. It’s that simplicity though that makes motherhood (and parenthood in general) so incredible though.

I mean, I remember reading some blog post/article before The Boss Lady made her debut and the author was talking about how ridiculous it is that as a society we cheer for and champion every little thing our kids do. He used the example of a child going down a slide by himself and the mom cheering and said that it’s ridiculous to cheer for a kid who came down the slide by himself because a monkey could do it. When I read that post, I was thinking “Yeah, totally! That’s ridiculous! I will never be one of those moms who thinks that all of that simple crap is worth getting excited about!”

Then Olivia slid down a slide for the first time—BY HERSELF. Justin Timberlake could not elicit the excitement from a crowd of teenage girls (or 30 something year old women, truth be told) that The Boss Lady elicited from me as she came down that slide. I jumped up and clapped and in my proudest mommy voice I said “Oli, you did it BY YOURSELF!!!” and I nearly called Harvard to let them know she’d be joining them in 2028.

Seriously, motherhood gives you this gift of finding the excitement and the joy in the very simplest of things. Everyone knows about the big milestones and why they’re exciting (crawling, first tooth, first steps, etc.) but no one ever told me how exciting all of the stupidly simple things would be. Never in my life would I have thought I’d be cheering for someone sliding down a slide or stacking blocks or being able to put on their own shoes. All tasks that a monkey could do quite frankly. But when my kid does those things, it’s like art. It’s THE MOST INCREDIBLE thing I've ever seen.

Now I’ve got to go put The Boss Lady to bed. And who knows—after tonight’s amazing dinner episode, maybe she’ll do something even more incredible. Like turning off the lights—BY HERSELF! I mean, really, the possibilities to be amazed by my child are endless, people. ENDLESS. 

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