I need to preface this post by saying that I had it planned to be posted last Monday BUT then my sweet angel had her accident so this one got postponed. However, since the events of last Monday, I feel compelled to post this even more.
So, in the spirit of Valentine's Day (one week late!), here's to Love...
True Love is...
John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.
If that isn't true love, I'm not sure what is. Last Monday, I watched my sweet girl get hurt and it was the worst feeling that I've ever had. I was more scared that day than I have ever been. I cannot imagine the love our God must have for us that He gave His ONLY son so that we can spend an eternity with Him. He watched His son suffer for OUR sake. So often, I take this for granted and I forget what an incredible love this is. Parenthood has definitely given me a different perspective on love and what it means to truly love unconditionally.
True Love is...
A husband who lets me be the weak one. My husband is quiet and calm. He is gentle and kind. He does not put up the image of a "tough guy" but he is my rock. When I need to break down, he is there, keeping me together. When I am doubtful or scared, he is there to encourage me and let me know that he is here to protect me. For so many years, I tried to be so tough and independent and that can be exhausting. I have found rest, peace, solace, comfort, contentment, and an incredible love in this man.
He has a grace about him that I am in awe of. When I stick my foot in my mouth (which I often do!) or when I am hurtful, he forgives without a second thought.
Mike is the most wonderful dad to our daughter. He is so excited to see her everyday and he helps me all of the time with her. In case I haven't mentioned it, I didn't even change a diaper until we got home from the hospital! So often he talks about how excited he is to do things with Olivia and I feel so alive inside imagining them making breakfast together or going on runs together. Sometimes, on Saturday mornings, he lets me sleep in and he gets up with her. I hear them in the living room and he is usually dancing around with her to some silly children's song. It is the most beautiful sound in the world.
True Love is...
Learning that you don't have to know someone very long to fall completely in love with them and know that you cannot be on this earth unless they are. I have only known Olivia Anne for 6 months but she has my heart. I cannot even remember my life without her. And though there are times that I would love to be able to sleep in past 7 a.m., I would not trade the early mornings with her for anything in the world.
Olivia teaches me that I don't have to have it all together to be happy. She doesn't care if everything in the house is completely in its place or if my hair is totally perfect everyday. She just wants to be loved and played with. She wants to spend time with us and I've learned through her to slow down and enjoy every single moment.
True Love is...
Family & friends who will pray for you when you forget to pray for yourself. Last Monday, I was so rattled and scared that I forgot to pray. That's hard for me to admit because I'm such a believer in bringing God into every moment of your life. But, I just forgot. I don't know why. We didn't call very many people right away when Olivia fell but I know that the people who did know were praying for us. I know that we were surrounded with a cushion of prayers during our time of need.
Afterward, there were so many who reached out to let us know that they were praying for healing for Olivia. They shared their own stories so that we would know we weren't the only ones who had ever experienced something like that.
Mike and I are constantly talking about how incredibly blessed we are to have our family & friends. There is not a moment in our lives that we do not feel completely surrounded by love and support. I am at a loss here to describe how thankful I am to ALL of you who support us each and every day. I hope that I am as good a friend and family member to you as you are to me. Thank you.
This Valentine's Day, our first with our girl, didn't go EXACTLY as we thought. But it did remind us of the abundance of love in our life and for that we could not be more grateful.
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