Friday, September 24, 2010

One month and counting...

It seems that bedtime is officially our "horror time" in the Milligan household. Olivia HATES bedtime with a passion! The child could be sound asleep and the minute we swaddle her and put her in her bed, she starts thrashing around and screaming at the top of her lungs. Last night was no exception. And as I type this, she's sitting in my lap, all swaddled up, and screaming like a banshee.

At the end last night's ordeal, I told Mike that I wasn't sure I was really cutting it as a mom. He assured me that we are GREAT parents. "How would you know? We haven't done anything great," was my response. His reply: "Well, we've managed to keep her alive for a month. In my mind, that's pretty damn great." Good point, Mike.

Today marks one month since Olivia Anne took over our house, our sanity, and our hearts. While we wouldn't say that this past month has been "fun," we'd definitely say it's been a learning experience. We've had so many firsts with her this month: her first Cowboys game, her first time at church, her first meal out at a restaurant, and the first time we fell in love with someone we just met--someone who screams at us constantly, poops on us, throws up on us, and demands that everything be about her 100% of the time. It's the most challenging and amazing love Mike and I have ever experienced.

It's crazy how much can change in a month. Having a child has suddenly made the passage of time so much more real for me. I can actually SEE how much growth can take place in one short month. Her growth is exciting and sad all at the same time. Often, I hold her in my arms and just watch her sleep, knowing that someday she'll no longer fit in my arms or my lap or even want to be there anymore.

While this first month has felt a little like a major ass kicking, I'll take it for those few moments when I can hold my sweet baby in my arms and study all of her perfect features. I'll take it for those few moments when she looks up and studies me with those big blue eyes. And I'll take it to feel this overwhelming and awesome love in my heart.  

Today, I just wanted to share a few pictures of Oli's first month of life. She's an amazing and beautiful child and we hope you enjoy seeing her grow as much as we do! 

One Month Today!!

And some others...

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