Sunday, November 11, 2012

I like to read

I've written before about the absurdity and hilarity of some of the children’s literature out there but I’m finding that I actually mostly enjoy reading Olivia’s books to her. And my kid LOVES to read. Each night, I try to have her narrow our bedtime story time to 5 books but we usually end up reading closer to 10. Though I usually start story time exhausted, there is something so peaceful and, well, awesome about reading with Oli.

She gets so into the story and, since we've read most of her books dozens of times, she will usually tell me what comes next in the story. I love asking “What do you think is going to happen?” and she excitedly shouts the answer. 

One of my favorite things is to find her “reading” to herself. She flips through the pages telling the story to herself by memory. It is the sweetest thing. This video of her just makes me smile. I can't believe I was able to catch her in the moment AND that she let me continue filming!

Of all of the things Olivia is taking an interest in these days I’m most excited about her love of books. Maybe it’s because I also loved reading as a kid and I've always had the support and encouragement of adults in my life who are also avid readers.

I remember as a kid tearing through books, just so engrossed in the story. I remember picturing the scene and characters and feeling like I was there. I remember feeling so connected to the story line that I would wake up on the weekend excited to pick up where I left off in a book the night before.

My parents were big readers too and I am thankful to them for fostering this in me. My aunt Jacki, a teacher, used to take us to the library in the summer to join the book clubs. I loved the smell of the library and I still do. There’s something about rows and rows of books that is just beautiful to me. Though I’m not sure how this will happen since I refuse to ever move again but I kind of dream of having my own home library some day.

I can’t wait to take Olivia to get her very own library card. Although, who knows what that will look like in the future. I know this makes me a little bit “old” but I don’t love the electronic book era. I can appreciate saving some paper but there is something so magical about turning the page of a book or walking into a library and browsing the shelves for the next story to lose yourself in. I will just never get used to holding a cold electronic device and touching the screen to “turn” the page. I’m just not sure “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” would have quite the same feel if I read it to my sweet girl on an i-pad.

But I’m getting off track here. Regardless of how she gets into reading, I’m just thrilled that Oli is into it.

If you don’t read much to your kiddos, please start!! Not only does a lot of research show how healthy reading to your child is for their development, it’s so healthy for your relationship too. At the end of the day, sometimes I am so tired and I just want to turn on a movie and let her fall asleep watching Monsters Inc or some other genius Pixar creation. But once I’m sitting in the rocking chair with her and we are talking about what the gorilla in “Good Night, Gorilla” is going to do, I am in Heaven. Often she wants her baby doll to sit with us as we read and so I sit with The Boss Lady and Baby Doll and we dive into some adventure of some crazy character. It’s that time of the day where Olivia and I just get some down time and some time to use our imaginations a little. Even if reading this much doesn't make her a super genius, that’s cool. It makes me superbly happy. And I think it does the same for her.

And so, in honor of The Boss Lady’s love for reading and her love of the beloved Baby Doll, I've written our own little adventure. Enjoy! 

Adventures of The Boss Lady:
Where is Baby Doll?

This is The Boss Lady

The Boss Lady's favorite toy is her Baby Doll. Baby Doll does everything with The Boss Lady. Baby Doll takes a bath, eats dinner, and even gets her diaper changed whenever The Boss Lady gets her diaper changed. Baby Doll especially loves to go for walks,

and to the park to swing on the swings.

The Boss Lady and Baby Doll especially love to read books together

And Baby Doll never has to wear clothes because The Boss Lady wishes she didn't have to wear clothes so she figures somebody should be allowed to go au naturale. 

One day, The Boss Lady went to get Baby Doll so they could go play. But Baby Doll was nowhere to be found. The Boss Lady looked everywhere for Baby Doll. She just knew she'd find Baby Doll  at the park waiting for her to play,

but Baby Doll was not there. 

She immediately called all of her closest friends to see if they had seen Baby Doll

but nobody had seen her. 

The Boss Lady even asked The Crazy Barbie Head if she had seen Baby Doll. But Crazy Barbie Head said she had not.
"What baby?? I haven't seen any baby..."

But The Boss Lady wasn't sure she really believed Crazy Barbie Head. Crazy Barbie Head did have a little bit of a "reputation,"

Eventually she called her good friend, The President, to see if he had seen Baby Doll
"No, sorry, Boss Lady, I haven't seen Baby Doll
at all."

The Boss Lady was distraught. She stopped to ponder where Baby Doll could possibly be.

She stopped to have a snack so she could get her blood sugar up and think straight.

But still she could not think where Baby Doll might be. Finally, out of sheer exhaustion, The Boss Lady stumbled to her room. And there, in The Boss Lady's LEAST FAVORITE PLACE TO BE, was Baby Doll!

The Boss Lady was so excited that she decided she too would take a nice nap.

And The Boss Lady dreamed sweet dreams of hers and Baby Doll's next big adventure.

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