Thursday, October 27, 2011

A letter to my husband on our 4th Anniversary!

My sweet Mike,

Can you believe that 4 years ago today, we stood in front of our family and friends, and said our wedding vows? At times, I feel like that was just yesterday. Other times I feel like we have lived a lifetime in this 4 years. To think that this is still just the beginning of our journey together is exciting and gives me so much to look forward to. Since the day I met you, I have asked myself "How can my life possibly get better than this?" And every day, you show me that life can, indeed, get better.

Four years ago, I watched you watching me walk down the aisle and never once did you take your eyes off of me. And you still haven't. Thank you for showing me the good, the beautiful things about myself. Thank you for loving me, for being my husband, my best friend, the person who truly knows me best in this world. Thank you for accepting me as I am and for loving me because of my quirks, not inspite of them. Thank you for pushing me to be my best without really pushing at all.

You encourage me, inspire me, amaze me. You are the things I am not: patient, calm, quiet. You are graceful and kind. And, yet, you have never made me feel lacking. You have been the person who balances me. The person who strengthens me.

Some would say I'm quite the handful and my 11 roommates through 10 semesters of college, might tell you I'm hard to live with. But you are still here, and (I'll go out on a limb here) happy here with me. You have been able to soften my rough spots and strengthen the good.

Before I met you, I believed that the person I would fall in love with, would somehow complete me. Through loving you and being loved by you, I realize I was complete when I met you. Falling in love isn't about being completed by another. It's about growing with another person to be the best you. It is not a growth that comes easily or quickly. It is a lifelong journey and I am so blessed to be on this journey with you.

Our life together is not perfect. At times it is messy, chaotic, and exhausting. But it is incredible. At the center of the hurricane that sometimes is our life, there is US. Thank you for always being on my team to work through whatever has come our way. Thank you for being honest and facing our life head on with me. Our home is filled with laughter, love, and comfort. It is my safe zone, the place I never have to worry about being judged, belittled, or afraid.  And no matter where the physical structure is, my home is with you, wherever you are. 

I always thought I would see fireworks when I fell in love. Isn't that what all of the movies and books talk about? I didn't see them with you. Instead, I felt a calm that I had not ever felt. I felt warm and comfortable, like I had found where I belonged. There were no fireworks in the sky when I met you. Instead, falling in love with you has been like seeing every single star in the sky for the very first time.

Happy anniversary, my sweet husband. I love you more than all of the stars in the sky...

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