Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Countdown Begins: 11 months!

As I type this, I keep glancing up at the calendar and thinking, "WOW, has it really been 11 months since we welcomed Olivia into our family???" And, yes, it has been and in just 4 & 1/2 weeks, we'll be celebrating 1 year with our miniature Godzilla. I am just amazed at how far we've come.

This past month has been filled with so much movement and excitement. As you've seen by now, The Boss Lady has started walking and she is looking so much like a little toddler these days. This morning, Mike and I stood at the back of the church with her (our new "seats" since she refuses to sit still in a pew these days) and watched her stumble up and down the walkways. I think I could watch her movements all day long. I do find that sometimes I just sit and watch her discover her world.

She has commandeered this mini-purse that I had in my closet and Mike's old cell phone. She walks around the house clutching these as if she's imitating the things she sees us do each day. She's learned to really steer her walker and when she wants to go play in another room she just gets up and waddles away. Often, I'll find her in her room flipping through (and attempting to eat) her books.

No place or thing is off limits in her eyes. This morning as I was using the restroom, she stood at the doors to the bathroom banging and screaming until Mike came and got her and yesterday she banged on the glass shower doors until I got out. She had me cracking up though because she kept smushing her face up against the glass and then cracking up hysterically when I did it too.

This tiny person who is now running around the house like she owns the place is truly an amazing little girl.

As I make birthday party preparations for her big celebration, I know that this is a bittersweet moment. When I think that my sweet baby is about to be a year old, my heart flutters a little and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I am excited about this growth and all that this last month of the first year will bring. I just cannot get over that the once-upon-a-time little baby who slept on my chest, is now too tall to do so. Olivia is growing so fast and she is truly one incredible kid.

Happy 11 month birthday to the one and only amazing Boss Lady!

Waiting for dad at his tri-athlon.

Getting ready to watch her first 3D movie at Legoland.

She did not know what to think of these huge legos!
Who actually gets IN the fridge to get something to eat??

Checking out the floats at her first 4th of July parade.

11 months today!

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