Sunday, October 28, 2012

I'm bringin' CRAZY back!!!

For the past several weeks now I have debated with myself over how to reenter the blogosphere and get back into sharing all of the insanity and awesomeness that is my life. To be honest, I’m a little nervous about getting back in. Then I thought of you all, my adoring readers. I mean, I can’t even imagine how lost and devastated all of you have been over the past several months since I went on blogging hiatus. I’m sure your nights and days been spent in a haze as you waited to see that Facebook announcement that I had made a comeback. Right???

What? Like you don’t have delusions that people just adore and hang onto your every word. ;)
 I have no idea how many of you actually care what’s in this blog but the truth is, telling this story, sharing the crazy, the wondrous, the beauty of Mommyhood is what helps keep me sane. Also in my absence, a few family and friends said things like “I noticed you haven’t blogged in a while. I really enjoyed reading your stuff and laughing with you!” That was nice to hear and it was all the encouragement I needed to make my big re-debut.

Why did I take a sabbatical in the first place? Simply put: I was worn the crap out. After our move into our new-to-us-but-old-and-needed-lots-of-things-done-to-it house, my job picked up speed and the days started whirring by. And, oh yeah, did I mention I now have a freaking TWO YEAR OLD???? TWO, PEOPLE!!!! The Boss Lady started growing like a weed and I started feeling torn about spending any amount of time away from her. I have spent the past several months working and soaking up every spare second with Mike and Oli. I feel like she is growing so incredibly fast and that scares me a little. I don’t want to miss a second.

And, after a day of working and toddler chasing I am incredibly exhausted.

Last week, I was talking to a friend and telling her about some of the major stresses lately and she shared some of hers and I thought (and said) “Oh my gosh, I’m so glad to hear other people feel that way!” When I start to get stressed or when things get crazy I have a tendency to just want to hunker down until it’s all over. But that doesn't help my psyche. What helps is to get it out. To admit that I’m struggling and when something great happens it’s just as beneficial to share that as well and to have people to celebrate with.   

So I realized that this place, here with all of you, is where I work out all of that exhaustion, fear, joy, overwhelmed-ness that is this time of my life. I’ve missed being able to share the antics of The Boss Lady with all of you. I hope you’ve missed it too. Because while I may have stopped writing, the crazy never stopped coming. And boy has there been quite a bit of it! Some crazy good. Some crazy…well, not bad exactly but certainly anxiety inducing. And every minute of it has been filled with a crazy love for my little family.

So here we go again! Choo-choo! All aboard the Crazy Town express…

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